Below is a series of frequently asked questions about unions. If you’d like to ask a question, click here.
Click the questions below to see the answers
Union Membership
Yes. All members in the designated bargaining unit will be bound by the rules of the collective bargaining agreement, if one is reached, negotiated by both Good Samaritan University Hospital and 1199SEIU. The union would expect you to pay dues or fees for its representation, regardless of whether or not you voted or want 1199SEIU union representation.
That’s a good question to actually ask the union and its supporters. Union leadership roles may be given to its strongest supporters, and the union may negotiate paid time off to engage in union business on their behalf.
Generally, yes, a union requires those who join as a member to pay monthly dues and comply with the provisions of its constitution and bylaws. Ask the union to provide you with a copy of those rules before you sign any union document so you fully know what rules you may be expected to follow, prior to an election.
Collective Bargaining
If 1199SEIU won an election to represent employees, Good Samaritan University Hospital would be required to meet with 1199SEIU representatives to discuss proposals in good faith in an attempt to reach a contract agreement.
The law does not require Good Samaritan University Hospital to agree to any union demands that it does not believe are in the best interests of Good Samaritan University Hospital, its employees, or patients. It is important to understand that the law does not currently set a deadline for reaching a contract. There is no way to predict the results of negotiations.
Election of your union negotiators would be up to 1199SEIU and should be spelled out in a constitution and by-laws. The union may award positions on the negotiating team to employees who most actively supported unionization and invite other recently unionized employees to “participate” in bargaining, which generally is meant to provide support.
Unions write their own by-laws and constitution, which are the rules for members that you are inquiring about. You should ask 1199SEIU for a copy of its by-laws and constitution. Such union documents generally include an oath members take and specify the rules members are expected to follow. They also cover how union delegates are selected, how dues can be increased, and the process for union decisions.
If the both parties are unable to reach agreement on contract terms, the union can continue bargaining, give in on its demands, or expect employees to go on strike to try to persuade Good Samaritan University Hospital to change its position. If certain criteria are met, management can declare bargaining at impasse and implement their final offer to the union. Bargaining for a contract can be a complicated, lengthy process.
If Good Samaritan University Hospital employees choose not to unionize, there will be no need to worry about being required to participate in a strike by the union. However, if Good Samaritan University Hospital employees were involved in an economic strike, the striking employees:
- Would not get regular paychecks from Good Samaritan University Hospital for the duration of the strike.
- May have to pay for their insurance premium costs out of pocket (medical, disability, life, etc.).
- Can be temporarily or even permanently replaced as permitted by law.