1199SEIU was founded in 1932. The members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East are nurses, nurse aides, techs, lab workers, clerks, housekeepers, dietary workers, transporters, pharmacists, social workers and many other types of medical professionals.
1199SEIU Delegates
1199SEIU uses the term “delegate” instead of “steward,” but the roles are similar to union stewards in other unions.
- An 1199SEIU delegate is usually a co-worker who will become the spokesperson to speak and act on behalf of employees about work-related matters.
- Union delegates are typically appointed by the union, or in the case of a delegate election, the union usually provides a slate of its choices from which you are expected to choose.
- Often union delegates enjoy perks that other employees do not, including paid time to conduct union business and access to confidential employee records and information.
- For more information about 1199SEIU visit: www.1199seiu.org
- For more information on 1199SEIU rules and requirements review the 1199SEIU Constitution at: www.1199seiu.org/constitution

1199SEIU Delegates
1199SEIU uses the term “delegate” instead of “steward,” but the roles are similar to union stewards in other unions.
An 1199SEIU delegate is usually a co-worker who will become the spokesperson to speak and act on behalf of employees about work-related matters. Union delegates are typically appointed by the union, or in the case of a delegate election, the union usually provides a slate of its choices from which you are expected to choose.
Often union delegates enjoy perks that other employees do not, including paid time to conduct union business and access to confidential employee records and information.