Welcome to GoodSamaritanTogether.com, developed to help you and your family get the information and facts about unions.
Whether or not to give your voice to 1199SEIU, or any other union, is an important decision.
You and your family must determine whether unionizing with 1199SEIU for representation is right for you. Considering the facts about the financial costs, the uncertainty with collective bargaining, strict rules and potential loss of flexibility under a collective bargaining agreement that may accompany unionization are necessary for that decision.
Good Samaritan Hospital respects your right to choose whether or not unionization is best for your individual circumstances. The hospital values the direct working relationship that we currently have with you and wants to be able to continue with the flexibility that relationship affords our employees and patients.
Good Samaritan believes that you — and not a union — are best suited to address your needs and provide input directly to leadership. After reviewing the facts on this website, we hope you agree.
Your benefits are a valuable part of the rewards of working at Good Samaritan University Hospital.
1199SEIU labor contracts generally require unionized employees to pay union dues or fees to keep their jobs with their employers.
Click the questions below to see the answers.
Union Membership
Yes. All members in the designated bargaining unit will be bound by the rules of the collective bargaining agreement, if one is reached, negotiated by both Good Samaritan University Hospital and 1199SEIU. The union would expect you to pay dues or fees for its representation, regardless of whether or not you voted or want 1199SEIU union representation.
That’s a good question to actually ask the union and its supporters. Union leadership roles may be given to its strongest supporters, and the union may negotiate paid time off to engage in union business on their behalf.
Generally, yes, a union requires those who join as a member to pay monthly dues and comply with the provisions of its constitution and bylaws. Ask the union to provide you with a copy of those rules before you sign any union document so you fully know what rules you may be expected to follow, prior to an election.